Referral for Michael Lancto 18 May 1996 RE: Pastor Michael Lancto To whom it may concern, I have served under Pastor Lancto as the Church's Assistant Treasurer, Church Trustee, AWANA Assistant Commander, and Children's Church Leader for about one year. In that time, Pastor Lancto has shown me first and foremost that he has a heart for God and for doing the Lord's work. He came to our church as a pastor with a vision. His vision was to lead, and challenge us to grow in our relationship with God. He also kept evangelism at the forefront of our priorities, encouraging support for our current missionaries, as well as bring in new missionaries for us to consider. His desire was for us to grow as a church also. And we did just that, bringing in new members and seeing people saved and baptized. Pastor Lancto also made improvements to our school, seeing that needed repairs were taken care of (i.e. new carpet, painting projects, and new class rooms). On a personal level, I have called Pastor Lancto at home from time to time with questions about a lesson that I was teaching, or about other problems or questions I had. Sometimes I called later that I probably should have. He was always willing to help me and was very capable of answering all my questions with compassion and empathy and wisdom. My family and I have been very thankful for the Pastor and his family. Their heart for serving God is so evident and inspiring. His leadership, vision, energy, guidance, and wisdom as pastor were a blessing to me, my family, and our church. I praise the Lord for Pastor Lancto and his family. Sincerely,
Robert A.
Bergeron, Capt., USAF |