Referral for Michael Lancto

May 15, 1996


I am 60 years old and have been a member of Grace Baptist Temple for over eleven years. I have served as deacon at Grace with Pastor Michael Lancto for about a year and half and served as deacon to our former pastor for about five years. I was on the pulpit committee which presented Pastor Mike to our church and the church voted 91% for calling him.

During his time here Pastor Mike has proven himself by initiating changes which were good and needed. He is energetic, disciplined, and well-grounded in Biblical truth. his doctrine and preaching is outstanding in touching hearts and teaching Bible truths. He is very dedicated to witnessing and teaches and encourages others to witness.

Our church has seen more growth in the past year than in several years prior to his coming. We have had several baptisms. His baptismal service is a beautiful testimony of his love for children.

He is sensitive to people, but will not compromise biblical doctrine.

My personal feeling is that Pastor Mike will be a blessing wherever God calls him.

His family is a picture of what a pastor's family should be -- loving, caring, and supportive.

It is our great regret that he is leaving and we feel our church and the community will be the loser with his departure. His vision and our expectations of many great things being done for the Lord at Grace and our community will sadly no longer get done.

I recommend Pastor Michael Lancto without any reservations and am blessed and happy to have served under him.

Huie Crowe
Deacon at Grace Baptist Temple, Prattville, AL